Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Running Clinic - Week Four

This week I got to work one on one with someone and it made me realize how fast I talk! Here is the Workout Log for week four.  We are up to running for 2 minutes on and 2 minutes off for a total of 20 minutes now. You will also see that the challenge has changed up just a bit.

As for nutrition you guys should be doing a pretty good job at keeping a journal of what you eat. At lunch tomorrow I will post about the BEST (and I do not say this lightly I am absolutely serious) website available to help you lose the fat and keep it off.  Even better this site is 100% free! So, go sign up at SparkPeople.com and look for tomorrows blog post with links to tutorials on how to use the site.

The only way to lose the fat and keep it off is to learn what it is you are currently doing that is stopping you from achieving that goal and change it. One habit at a time. The simplest way to do this is to journal your food and start finding activities you can do to wake your body back up and getting moving more. It really is this simple and yes you really can do it!

I look forward to writing tomorrows blog focusing on people who have and are doing it and giving you all a glimpse into a tool I think is the best thing out there.


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