Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Life Is Full of Surprises!

So, the triathlon came and went and I was not in it.

I realized about 2 weeks out that I might be able to physically do it, yet mentally I was just not focused nor prepared at all. In fact, my brain has been taxed lately. So much is going on in my personal life I am barely able to focus on one thing for more than an hour before I have to move onto the next.

This past week I really let things go. Family was in town visiting and they spoiled us with dinners out every night! I enjoyed having no commitment to the gym for the whole week! I went on a gluttonous rampage of enjoying everything and anything and being as lazy as I wanted.

Monday, I was back on track. In the gym, puffing my way through spin class. It felt sooooo incredibly good!

Tuesday I went to my exotic dance class and that is when it hit me. Ugh! I am working my way backwards here! The cute miniskirt I wanted to wear to class, the one that use to be too big for me, was skin tight and uncomfortable!

"No! What the hell are you doing to yourself?!?!"

I literally yelled out loud at myself.

Yes folks, I yelled at myself, in my empty apartment alone I looked in the mirror and yelled at myself. Then I grabbed my dancing shoes and said, "fuck this, I'm taking back control of myself!" As I walked out the door to dance class.

So, here I am now, committing on this 1st day of August to create a plan and stick with it! By September I will be at a place of happiness, were that skirt is too big for me again, and I am only yelling at myself in the mirror praises (or making silly faces)!

As well, I am trying to make time to write a requested post about how to plan for and eat healthy on a tight budget. I am sorry to say I just have not had the time. Yet, now that my focus is turning  back around to my health, well, I think it is time I made blogging and logging my successes a priority!


P.S. A reminder to myself ; "It is NOT the mountain that we conquer, it is OURSELVES!" HoooRAH!