Friday, April 20, 2012

Back - from a hiatus of sorts.

Priorities? What are those?
Life happens. Hell, more often than not life happens. For the past few months it seems to be happening all around me while I stand in the center trying to divide my attention appropriately.

Due to all this damned LIFE happening, my time to devote to my fitness has lessened. I still make it to the gym, yet it is only for about 5 hours a week rather than the regular (and healthier) 7-10 hours I had been devoted to. I find myself faltering between moments of feeling guilty and upset for not making fitness the same priority it was, to moments of "don't sweat it, this too shall pass and soon you will be back at it."
As well, my nutrition has fluctuated from being really good and well monitored to being so bad I try and ignore it! It is strange how eating healthier helped me to develop a sweet tooth. Seriously, prior to my discovery of how good unprocessed natural foods taste I never sought out sugary goodness. Now however, they are like ecstasy in my mouth!

Don't get me wrong, it is not candy and simple sweets that drive me. There can still be snickers bars and suckers in the house that will just get ignored. However, it is the homemade sweets that I am enjoying a little to much of. Having someone to cook for has brought back the experimenting baker in me. Cookies, pies, cakes and treats just get whipped up and devoured often. I need to find some healthier "treat" recipes to work with for my sweet intake - or more events to attend to rid myself of such temptations just lying around calling out to me.

For example this Dark Chocolate Ganache covered Guinness Stout cake!!!

The good news for all this subtle lax in my overall health focus -


2011 Girlfriends & Dudes Triathlon
Yep, that's right, as soon as I return from my May 4-5th vacation triathlon training begins and I will HAVE to be accountable for making the right choices daily. Any misstep I take could mean minutes lost in my triathlon finish and, since I am competing with myself to drop 10 minutes from last years time, every minute counts! 

For the next three months my Saturday mornings will be spent swimming, biking and running with the triathlon training club! We will spend 2 hours learning, practicing and supporting each other in our endeavor to kill our bodies at the end of July and complete the Girlfriends and Dudes Sprint Triathlon in Vancouver, Washington.

Of course, the triathlon training also requires me to focus on my own personal training to develop each element of the tri so I can be better, fitter, faster and stronger! That means my gym time will increase - dedicatedly so. My current idea for my gym schedule is:

Monday - 2 Hours - Run to Gym, Cycle Class, Treadmill Intervals, Run Home 
Tuesday - 3 Hours - Step n' Strength Class, Spin Class, Yoga
Wednesday - 1.5 Hours - Run to Gym, Weights, Run Home
Thursday - 2 Hours - Run to Gym, Definition Class, Treadmill Intervals, Run Home
Friday - 2.5 Hours - Run to Gym, Weights, Treadmill Intervals, Run Home
Saturday - 2 Hours - Triathlon Training Club

With all this said, I want to note I will be attempting to update my blog more regularly starting in May. As well, I am combining the FitTiggy blog into this one. This seems like the most logical idea, as my personal health journey should really be a part of who I am as a trainer. I still hold high hope to begin studying and get certified this Fall. We shall see on that one.

Crossing the Finish Line @ 2011 Girlfriends & Dudes Triathlon 
The brief hiatus I have had has brought me up from the ultimate low I reached last year at 165 pounds to sitting at the very peak of my healthy weight range 174. Therefore, I have also decided to take some progressive pictures and use the triathlon training to mark my first steps back towards my ultimate goal of 155 pounds!

I look forward to sharing my journey with you all. As well, I look forward to updating this blog more regularly with advice that goes beyond just me personally and, I hope, can help you on your journey to become a healthier and happier you! A you that you never knew existed!!!! 

"It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves!"