Thursday, January 26, 2012

Hurdle Jumping Time!

I saw this post in one of the Spark People forums and the ideal the message was written with inspired me. Let me share the message with you first and then I'll get to the inspirational point.

I Understand Why This Can Be So Hard 

"To lose the weight would mean to allow myself to hurt. To lose weight would mean not numbing myself anymore. It would mean experiencing pain to its maximum. It would also mean experiencing happiness. I tend to forget.

My weight is a barrier between me and others. I've allowed it to define me because I am afraid of defining myself- and being disappointed. To lose weight would mean to experience. To lose the weight would mean to break down the walls that have protected me for so long.

To lose weight also means living in the present. To accept failures and go for successes. It would mean leaving the realm of "When I lose weight" and enter that of "Today I will".

It is difficult to be thinner because it would entail living. And life is scary. And life can hurt. But I will find the strength to lose this safety net I have made of my body and allow myself to be for the first time in a while ..."

by SparkPeople member SOUKICAVILL

My Inspiration

After reading this I recognized that Soukicavill has created a tool for herself. She has just created a personal "listing" of hurdles that keep her from losing the fat she longs to be rid of. She has stopped to think about what it is that keeps her from succeeding. She has found those fear triggers that keep us from trying, challenging our self and succeeding. In essence she acknowledges how scary change is. She also acknowledges how wonderfully happy change can make her - life is change. Most importantly she has written, with recognition, that she is ultimately responsible for staying "fat" and only she can make the fearful changes that will offer her the happiness she longs for in the end.

This piece, to me, is simply brilliant.

Now, the personal sentiments Soukicavill states as to why she is not achieving her goals are not the same as mine at all. Food is, at times emotional support for me, but those moments are few and far between.  What this piece has offered to me though is the desire to find and document my own fears. This way I can know the hurdles I need to get over and be better prepared to JUMP!

  Let's Write!

So, what I am suggesting is that we all take a moment to write a piece just like this. Something that helps us find our hurdles and figure out how to jump them. Something we can look to during those times that begin to try our will power and cause us to crash back into old exhaustive habits. Then perhaps, months or years down the road, we can look back at them and say, "look at all that I have overcome to get to where I am today!"

Yeah, that's the ticket! So, what do you say? Will you take this challenge with me? Will you sit for a moment and spend some time find those fears and challenges that are holding you back from reaching your goals, write down these hurdles and then prepare yourself to spend this year JUMPING with me?


Monday, January 9, 2012

A New Year and the First Steps to Creating Success

Happy New Year! 

If you are like me you spent the past few weeks overindulging and simply enjoying the company and spirits (be they food, drink or friends) of those you love and cherish (and maybe those you don't!). Now, that the New Year has come round I am sure many of you are resolved to get back on task, (or get on task), to make your health a priority in 2012!

For a lot of you, like me, this means focusing on fat loss through developing and fine tuning your nutrition and fitness habits and then maintaining them to reach your motivationally and smartly set goals.

The number one key to maintaining this year's resolution is through your very own resolve, better known as "will power".  In the end, it is maintenance of your very own will power that will get you through it all and help you achieve your goals in 2012!

So, how can you help your will power succeed!

Well, with all the information one is given as they resolve to begin a fat loss journey it is no wonder it takes years of trial and error before the journey actually seems to start. You may begin with all the will power in the world motivating and holding you up, however, it is very easy to drop the will power ball in the middle of game play because this game has so many rules and options that you barely know how to start playing it to begin with!

When I think about my current success, over the past three short years (almost four now!), I simply forget how many times I started and stopped and stumbled along the way as I gained and lost and gained my will power back. Heck, when I really stop and think about it, this journey actually began for me just over eleven years ago not the short three I have had so much success in.

Eleven years of dropping and picking up that will power ball to get where I am now? Yes. Exactly.

So, how can we aid ourselves in this game of will power and ensure that we grab that ball and keep playing all year long?  

Believe it or not there are some staples I do to help ensure I maintain my success without challenging my will power.  Here are a few key things I would suggest to start with:

Empty Your Kitchen!

The kitchen is the bane of my fat loss success. See I have a problem, I LOVE food. (No, not in that way perverts!) What I mean is that I do not just eat food because I'm hungry and then stop because Im full. No, what I do instead is eat because something tastes good and I keep eating it until it is gone, because god damn it tastes good! (Like the onion rings I had at lunch and did not need, at all!) 

Also, like almost everyone, I have a habit of eating when Im not really hungry but instead I am - bored, thirsty, tired, think I am suppose to ... etc. Which means a lot of crap can get stuffed into my mouth Im not even interested in to begin with.

So what I learned early was that I needed to empty my kitchen of anything I would be tempted to just eat for the sake of eating. For example ice cream, cheese, juice, crackers and chips. These are all items that challenge my will power and removing them from my options helps me to remain in the game no matter what.

Replace Will Power Challenging Items With 'Safe' Alternatives

In place of these will power challenging items I fill my kitchen with healthy choices. As my trainer Remy always said, "no one has ever gotten fat eating too many carrots!" So, stock yourself up with healthy snacks full of soluble fiber and good carbs. Fruits and veggies are key here as they are full of these very things and you can enjoy eating them without any guilt.

As well, you should find some protein and good fat items to snack on. Items such as nuts and nut butters, avocado, coconut, Greek yogurt and maybe even a latte with some low-fat milk. Just remember what your portions are and try to enjoy these additional snack items a little more responsibly. I find that mixing a serving of protein and good fat items with an abundance of soluble fiber and good carb fruits and veggies makes it easier to ensure you enjoy your snacks and feel fully satisfied in the end.

Always Carry An Apple With You

What I bring to eat at work!
No, not to keep the doctor away, (although becoming healthier will certainly do that as well!). Bringing an apple, or some healthy snack with you, will help you to ensure you make healthy choices when those cravings and hungry pangs suddenly hit. Especially if you end up working late or have a long commute home.

The reason why I suggest an apple is because they do not have to be refrigerated and they can last a couple days in your car (or purse) without spoiling. Any fruit or veggie will due the trick though.

A lot of people grab granola bars or other processed snacks that are marketed as healthy to fulfill this need as well. In a pinch these will do, but I highly recommend you get as far away from these types of overly processed snacks as you can. The preservative sodium levels are grossly high and can seriously affect your body and your mood. Learn to make your own, seriously! It is cheap, it is easy, it last longer, it tastes better and the best part is you are removing all the chemicals and sodium they put into processing your foods from your diet. Believe me, you will notice the difference in your health and well being in getting far away from these items!

That's A Start!

A good one at that too!  Forming these few simple habits will help encourage rather than challenge your will power and, as is the human way, the feeling of success promotes stronger will power and more success!

What other ways can you think of to create success and promote your will power?
