Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Challenge

Well, I'm still plateaued but I did try the challenge this week and it lives up to it's name!

I modified it a bit because I was doing the exercises in the park, not at the gym, therefore I did not have free and easy access to weights and mats to aid in performance. Although, with the never-ending rain schedule we are currently controlled by, I'll most likely be doing it inside the gym rather than in the sunshine of the park for the next couple weeks.

My goal is to perform the challenge at least twice (hopefully three times) a week. I may modify it a bit, adding to it some exercises for areas I would really like to focus on more. For example, triceps, glutes and hamstrings. Otherwise though, I am going to spend the month of June doing this challenge and then change it up completely in July. Don't want to let my body get formatted to perform and stop gaining benefit from my workouts.

As an added bonus Craig purchased a FT40 Polar heart rate monitor for my birthday! Once I figure it out, I am excited for the potential gains I will make in my health and wellness by using it and training in targeted zones. I only wish I had the time and money to join the heart rate training group at my gym. Unfortunately they get together twice a week in the late mornings while I am working. Yet, it would be so much fun to discover the ways I can perform intensely for 30 minutes and get maximum results just by working within my heart rate zone(s).

Maybe when the next schedule comes out they will offer these classes in the evenings so I can hop on the band wagon and learn the tune!

I'm still having a hard time not beating myself up while doing my tri-training. I discussed it with a friend and I think we figured out what is going on.

Last year, when I signed up to do my first ever triathlon I was simply excited to do it and my only goal was to finish. This year however I have a "real" goal. I want to shave 10 minutes off my finishing time. Doing this will have me finishing as a "contender". Maybe even within the top 100!

It seemed like such a small goal - 10 minutes off of my previous time, that shouldn't be too impossible. It doesn't even require me to find comfort with or get better at swimming. (Which I still have fear of and do a absolutely horrendous job at!) If I can just finish my bike and run 5 minutes sooner each I will be successful!

Yet, I feel like I am not making any advancements in my running or biking. In fact I'm pretty certain I doing worse at both this year!

And, that's my problem. I have a goal and a desire to push myself yet that push just isn't going over well so I am frustrated and angry with myself. Hence the, "you are so slow, you can't do this, you are going to do worse than last year, why did you sign up for this," thoughts that run through my head while Im training. It is horrible and as of yet I still haven't figure out how to get the negative self-talk to turn off. Even though I know without it I will succeed and do soooooo much better.

So that is what I really need to put some focus on, or I for sure will do worse at this years event! Any suggestions on what I can do to get those nasty self-defeating comments to stop?
