Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Shock Top!

So, it's happened.

After all those other times I falsely believed myself at some sort of plateau I can now say I truly understand what that flat top really is all about. Simply stated - plateaus suck! Almost as much as trying to orgasm when on prosac sucks, (but only kind of like that - because not orgasming is way worse than not losing fat!)

It has been 4-weeks though and I have simply not seen any movement in the scale AT ALL. No ups. No downs. Just a constant 177 pounds. Sitting there glaring at me, or well more like sitting there stoned, looking up at me like, "meh."

I think that is what sucks the most, plateaus are so bbboooorrrrrriiiiinnnnggggg!!! Nothing is happening, no matter what you try to do to make something change - you are just stuck; waiting. Like a car idling at a stoplight that is never going to turn green. Yet you remain determined to discover something you can do to get the light green - legal or not!

So of course, I have decided to take on the mission and discover a way off this flat top. Which, as it turns out, is just as fun as studying for a math exam full of choose your own adventure story problems.

Seriously, the abundance of "helpful" tips and tricks is somewhat obnoxious and yet always motivational! 

I have managed to sift through all the nauseatingly inspirational motivation and found, what I think, may be two solutions to the choose your own adventure math problem I am having here.

Solution 1 - is to more closely and strictly limit my diet.

Solution 2 - is to increase the intensity of my workouts.

Of course, because this is math (as is all of life) I am opting for the less challenging but more demanding * drum roll please* solution 2!

Now, I say less challenging simply because there are so many options available to increase my physical intensity levels during my workouts. Yet, there is really only one option when it comes to strictly limiting my diet. However, increasing my physical intensity is going to be more demanding on me, my body is going to be pushed harder, my time is going to be stretched thinner, and my ability to stay motivated is going to be drowning in "just not wanting to." Limiting my diet would also have the same affect in regards to the "just not wanting to" motivation, however, it is less demanding on me because it does not require me to push my limits nor find the time and resources to do so.

So, starting in June I will begin a more regimented and intense workout series focused on weight and strength training with a more minimal cardio routine. I am going to focus on interval training which will aid me in doing more work in less time. I'm thinking starting with a 10 minute run then pushing myself hard, on and off, for 30-40 minutes.

As to what I will push myself hard doing, well, that part I am still working on, however, I do have a starting point for this week!

The 100 Challenge - Just Do it!!!

A personal trainer I love to work with at my gym, Remy, gave me this challenge last fall and I never took it on. However, today I turn the page and choose to make it my adventure!

The Challenge

Warm up with some dynamic stretching and cardio for 15 minutes. Example: Jog in place. Walking lunges. Toe touches. Over the fence. High knees.

Time yourself for 35 minutes. Look at the exercise list and make sure you understand each one that is listed. There are demonstration videos online for most all of them.

100 Air Squats - get low, keep perfect form
90 Push Presses - use light weights, bend at knees and press weights over head
80 Russian Twists - side to side is one rep
70 Lunges - yes, thats each side, have fun
60 Push Ups - on your knees is fine
50 Core Leg Lifts - On your back lower straight legs until just above the ground, lift back up toes pointing to ceiling
40 Burpees - get all the way to the ground and hop up
30 Supermans - Use those back muscles
20 Side Plank Stars - Get in side plank, lift and lower top leg for one rep
10 Tuck Jumps - Knees up!

Take a water break and start again!

Can you get through the whole workout? Once? Twice? How far can you get?

Who knows? Yet right now there is no try just do!

I plan on modifying and trying new things every week to two weeks. One thing bodies are smart at is adapting to the physical demand put on them. Meaning that if you do the same thing over and over, soon enough your body is super efficient at doing it and you are no longer challenging yourself or getting any real benefit out of it. This is why my plan is to change my challenges up often and keep my body just as confused as my mind!

I am looking at changing up the adventure with workouts from as well as possibly incorporating the workout plan used to get those men in shape for 300. So, come on! Let's do this thing! Right after a small cup of tea? *giggles*


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