Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Learn Your Habits and How To Manage Them

"It would be so nice if something made sense for a change." -- Alice from Alice in Wonderland

When you stop and look at your life and where this journey has brought you do you ever think this exact thing? I know I do. Especially when I remember my youth and all the opportunity the world was filled with because I knew I could accomplish anything.   It has taken a while but I am slowly coming back around to realizing I CAN accomplish anything and each day I push myself to prove just that.

When I first started this fat loss journey I never had any hope to run 5k's let alone finish a triathlon! Yet I have and it all started with one small desire, or one huge undesirable ideal of myself. I would look in the mirror and think to myself, "how did I get here?" Almost like Alice in Wonderland trying to figure it all out, as if she hadn't herself chased a rabbit down a hole and lead herself into Wonderland all on her own in the first place.

So how did I get to that place I was so certain I hadn't brought myself to?  Well, once I answered that question honestly I was able to really look at the rabbit hole I had gone down and step by step I deconstructed the path I had taken and I found out how to start following a new one. A path that I am creating each day. A path all my own.

You can create your path to!

One of the simplest and most effective ways to start is by learning about the rabbit hole you are currently following. One of the best tools I know of for doing this is to journal what you eat. In fact, as I am sure you have heard me say millions of times now, "experts agree and studies show that people who have successfully lost the fat and kept it off show are those who journal their eating habits."

I know I have mentioned a few times and I have to say it is a great tool to help you learn about the rabbit hole trail of food you are currently following and in essence help you learn how to create your own food path as well.

This site is completely free and completely worth any money you might be spending on other tools right now. I promise you that it is site you can use to change your life and have the tools you need for success ALWAYS at your fingertips.  Because new sites are always a challenge to learn I am providing this direct link to their getting started tutorials - Spark People Intro Tutorials 

This site already breaks down everything you are eating into the food groups we have already been discussing. It shows you what you are getting enough of, what you are not getting enough of and what you are getting too much of. It also allows you to add ANY nutrient you want to track to the list as well and monitor it.

You can also monitor all of your activity on Spark People. The nice thing is that once you put in all your info and tell Spark People what your weight loss goal is it will TELL you how much activity you need to get a week and what a healthy range of calories for you to be eating per day is. Hell, they will even make your meal and activity plans for you to guarantee success. Or you can just op to use the guideline goals and plan your own meal and activities to meet these goals. I do a combo of each and find myself really appreciative of having meal ideas when I feel like I have fallen into a rut of chicken and rice. And I LOVE the fact that all of their activity options come with imaged demo's and sometimes videos of exactly how to do them.

I would honestly love to see ALL of us join and start a small group on the site together. A place we can work together to help keep each other motivated and connected. Because the other thing successful people have behind them is friends.

So, get signed up on Spark People today and lets bring our ScreenNames to the next get together so we can find each other on the site! I bet you guys can already guess mine ...


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